No “REAL” savings by installing Radiant Barrier Las Vegas Phoenix SCAMS

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No “REAL” savings by installing Radiant Barrier

Radiant Spray Rafters Radiant-Barrier-Sprayer1-442x375

There’s nothing worse than someone selling you something that does not work.

Let me rephrase that, Radiant Barriers are not a cost effective way of saving energy. Spray on “Radiant Barriers” are even less cost effective. Don’t take my word for it, read what the US

Department of Energy (the same folks from Energy Star) have to say about it and use the calculator they provided to estimate your potential savings with the Aluminum Foil Radiant Barrier stapled to the bottom of the rafters in addition to the “Spray On” aluminum paint under the roof deck (Yes! both applied and still not worth it).

If you plug in the info for Miami Florida (same red color on the map as Phoenix) and let’s assume a 2025 sq attic with R-30 in the attic and Insulated Ducts (standard in most homes built in the last 15 years) and you will see potential savings of less than $400 in the next 6 years. These people are telling customers they will save 25% off their electric bills…let’s plug those numbers in…Well their math is correct if your bills are a consistent $20 a month. The fact is the average electric bill in Phoenix or Las Vegas is $250 a month or $3000 a year (summer bills can be $500-600 a month). So, $60 saved in a year equals 2% savings not 25%!! So how long will it take you to Recoup your $3000-4000 you pay for their services? About 50 years or so

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